No. 608Einführung
1. Project introduction
Boba is an Ethereum Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup scaling solution that reduces gas fees, improves transaction throughput, and extends the capabilities of smart contracts.
Boba offers fast exits backed by community-driven liquidity pools, shrinking the Optimistic Rollup exit period from seven days to only a few minutes, while giving LPs incentivized yield farming opportunities. Boba’s extensible smart contracts will enable developers across the Ethereum ecosystem to build dApps that invoke code executed on web-scale infrastructure such as AWS Lambda, making it possible to use algorithms that are either too expensive or impossible to execute on-chain.
2. Team introduction
CEO: Alan Chiu
Over 20 years of experience in building and investing in corporate startups. Alan was a partner at XSeed Capital, focusing on enterprise and financial technology startups. In addition, Alan serves on the Stanford Graduate School of Business Alumni Association and serves as co-chair of the Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs Council.
3. Application and distribution
Max. Supply: 500,000,000
Token application:
Boba token (BOBA) is a governance token for the Boba DAO, and can also be staked for rewards on Boba Network. BOBA will be used for governance of the Boba DAO, which will be used for community initiatives and direction for the network’s future. Token holders will be eligible to submit proposals, vote, and delegate votes for proposals on the DAO in accordance with the governance guidelines.BOBA staked on Boba Network will also receive a portion of the transaction fees earned by the network through an on-chain distribution governed by the community.
Token distribution:
OMG Token Holders: 28.0%
Treasury: 42.0%
Strategic Investors: 10.0%
Current & Future Team: 20.0%
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