No. 846Märkte | Preis | 24H-Änderung | 30D-Änderung | 24H-Volumen | 24-Stunden-Transaktionswert |
1. Project introduction
The GraphLinq ecosystem comprises two main components: the GraphLinq Chain and the GraphLinq Protocol. The GraphLinq Protocol is an automated process management solution that is designed to make it easy for users to deploy and manage various types of automation without the need for coding skills. This protocol is made up of four key components: the IDE, the App, the Engine, and the Marketplace.
The GraphLinq Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a powerful tool that allows users to create automation through a simple drag-and-drop interface. The IDE provides users with a visual representation of the automation process and makes it easy to connect different nodes together to create complex automation.
The GraphLinq App is a user-friendly interface that allows users to access pre-made automation templates and deploy them with just a few clicks. The app makes it easy for users to customize the templates by updating variables and deploying the automation directly from the app.
The GraphLinq Chain is a blockchain that is specifically designed to support the GraphLinq Protocol. The chain is a Proof-of-Authority (POA) blockchain that provides a secure and scalable platform for running automation. The GraphLinq Protocol utilizes the GraphLinq Chain to ensure that automation is executed securely and accurately.
2. Team introduction
CEO: John Robert Bussiculo
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Die auf der Plattform angezeigten Kryptowährungsdaten (z. B. Echtzeitkurse) stammen von Drittanbietern und dienen lediglich als Referenz ohne jegliche Garantie. Der Handel über das Internet ist mit Risiken verbunden, einschließlich Software- und Hardwarefehlern. Die Plattform hat keine Kontrolle über die Zuverlässigkeit des Internets und ist nicht verantwortlich für Verluste, die durch Verbindungsunterbrechungen oder andere Probleme entstehen.