No. 461Markttrend
Märkte | Preis | 24H %Veränderung | 30D-Änderung | 24H-Volumen | 24H-Volumen |
-- | -- |
| -- MOBILE | -- USDT |
1. Project introduction
The Helium model enables communities to participate in building reliable, high-bandwidth networks using technologies like CBRS and Wi-Fi.
Historically many mobile networks are built top-down by service providers (e.g., AT&T and Verizon in the United States). However, future networks will likely be a hybrid of large-scale operators and people-owned 5G Hotspots due to consumer behavior demands (higher bandwidth and lower latency requirements) and the physics of wireless radio, requiring denser networks with more nodes, further increasing site acquisition costs. The Helium model decentralizes these costs.
The Helium Mobile DAO with 5G Hotspots is the first step in the evolution of the Helium ecosystem, allowing for the creation of MOBILE tokens that will reward 5G Hotspots with Small Cell Radio(s) on the existing Helium Blockchain.vThe Helium Network rewards 5G Hotspots with CBRS Radios ("Radios") for providing 5G wireless coverage and verifying the Helium Network with the Helium MOBILE Token. Mining MOBILE by providing 5G coverage requires a 5G Hotspot and one or more compatible, online Radios. Radios must also be registered in the SAS (Spectrum Access System) maintained by the FCC.
2. Application and distribution
Token application:
· Reward for hotspot providers
· Governance
Token distribution:
The max supply is 250B MOBILE with issuance halvenings every two years aligned with the HNT issuance halvenings. The first MOBILE halving will occur on August 1, 2023, to align with HNT halving and will continue on a 2-year cycle afterward.
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