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- Coin-Vorstellung
1. Project introduction
The Oasis Network is a Layer 1 decentralized blockchain network designed to be uniquely scalable, privacy-first and versatile. The Network has two main architectural components, the Consensus Layer and the ParaTime Layer.
(1) The Consensus Layer is a scalable, high-throughput, secure, proof-of-stake consensus run by a decentralized set of validator nodes.
(2) The ParaTime Layer hosts many parallel runtimes (ParaTimes), each representing a replicated compute environment with shared state.
Its technology highlights are:
(1) Separates consensus and execution into two layers — the Consensus Layer and The ParaTime Layer — for better scalability and increased versatility.
(2) Separation of consensus and execution allows multiple ParaTimes to process transactions in parallel, meaning complex workloads processed on one ParaTime won’t slow down faster, simpler transactions on another.
(3) The ParaTime Layer is entirely decentralized, allowing anyone to develop and build their own ParaTime. Each ParaTime can be developed in isolation to meet the needs of a specific application, such as confidential compute, open or closed committees, and more.
(4) The network’s sophisticated discrepancy detection makes Oasis more efficient than sharding and parachains — requiring a smaller replication factor for the same level of security.
(5) The network has broad support for confidential computing technology. The Oasis Eth/WASI Runtime is an open source example of a confidential ParaTime that uses secure enclaves to keep data private while being processed.
2. Team introduction
At the core of the Oasis Foundation is an international team of experts hailing from across Europe, Asia and North America. The foundation’s technical team is led by a Technical Advisory Committee, whose core responsibility is to advise the Oasis Foundation and the ecosystem participants on the technical aspects of the Oasis Network.(
3. Investment institution
Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Polychain Capital, Pantera, Binance Labs
4. Application and distribution
Token application:
The ROSE native token is a capped supply token. The circulating supply at launch will be approximately 1.5 billion tokens, and the total cap is fixed at 10 billion tokens. The ROSE token will be used for transaction fees, staking, and delegation at the Consensus Layer.
Token distribution:
Backers: 23%
Core Contributors: 20%
Foundation Endowment: 10%
Community and Ecosystem: 18.5%
Strategic Partners and Reserve: 5%
Staking Rewards: 23.5%
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