No. 358Einführung
1.Project Introduction
Scroll is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that leverages zk-rollups to enhance scalability, reduce transaction costs, and maintain security and decentralization.
Scroll zkEVM aims to provide a scalable, secure, and cost-effective solution for Ethereum that integrates zero-knowledge proof technology with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In doing so, Scroll zkEVM ensures compatibility with existing Ethereum smart contracts while significantly increasing transaction throughput and reducing costs.
2.Tean introduction
Co-Founder - Sandy Peng
Co-Founder - Ye Zhang
3.Token application and distribution
Token application:
SCR will be used as a primary governance mechanism of the protocol and progress to being a protocol utility token as Scroll becomes more decentralized.
There are three valuable rights for rollup protocol design that need to be decentralized, and here is how SCR can be involved in all of them.
- Governance right
Scroll will decentralize governance first via the Scroll DAO. It’s imperative that distributing this power to the community, to ensure Scroll’s network is resistant to capture by any centralized entity.
- Proving right
Scroll's governance is sufficiently decentralized, the prover is the next step. For long-term sustainability, the protocol must be designed to incentivize external parties to run provers and optimize for the best prover performance. SCR will be involved in aligning the miner community and creating a robust prover network.
- Sequencing right
Once the prover network has been established and battle-tested, Scroll will decentralize the sequencer. The sequencer orders transactions and produces layer 2 blocks, which requires high guarantees on liveness and real-time censorship resistance. SCR will be integral to the related mechanism design, ensuring that sequencers provide finality guarantees for optimal user experience.
Token distribution:
Airdrops - 15%
Allocating 7% of the total token supply to the first airdrop, and will reserve 8% of the total token supply for future airdrops, which are intended to take place over the next 12-18 months.
Ecosystem & Growth - 35%
Allocating 35% of the total token supply to promote the ecosystem and growth of the Scroll community.
Scroll Foundation Treasury - 10%
Scroll Foundation Treasury is allocated 10% of the total token supply.
Scroll Core Contributors (Team, Future Team, and Advisors) - 23%
Scroll core contributors (comprised of the core team, future team, and advisors) are allocated 23% of the total token supply in recognition of their contribution to developing the protocol and surrounding technologies. Core contributors’ tokens are subject to a vesting schedule based on the service period. Vested tokens will start to unlock after the 1st year of the launch of SCR and will be fully unlocked by the end of the 4th year after the launch of SCR.
Investors - 17%
Investors are allocated 17% of the total token supply, and these tokens start to unlock after the 1st year of the launch of SCR and will be fully unlocked by the end of the 4th year after the launch of SCR.
Anlagen in Kryptowährungen sind mit Marktrisiken und Kursschwankungen verbunden. Vor dem Kauf oder Verkauf sollten Anleger ihre Anlageziele, ihre Erfahrung und ihre Risikotoleranz berücksichtigen. Investitionen können zu Teil- oder Totalverlusten führen, und Anleger sollten den Investitionsbetrag auf der Grundlage des Verlustbetrags festlegen, den sie tragen können. Anleger sollten sich der mit Kryptowährungen verbundenen Risiken bewusst sein und im Zweifelsfall einen Finanzberater konsultieren. Darüber hinaus können unvorhergesehene Risiken auftreten. Anleger sollten ihre finanzielle Situation sorgfältig prüfen, bevor sie Handelsentscheidungen treffen. Die auf dieser Website veröffentlichten Meinungen, Nachrichten, Analysen etc. sind Marktkommentare und stellen keine Anlageberatung dar. Die Plattform haftet nicht für entgangene Gewinne, die durch das Vertrauen auf diese Informationen entstanden sind.
Die auf der Plattform angezeigten Kryptowährungsdaten (z. B. Echtzeitkurse) stammen von Drittanbietern und dienen lediglich als Referenz ohne jegliche Garantie. Der Handel über das Internet ist mit Risiken verbunden, einschließlich Software- und Hardwarefehlern. Die Plattform hat keine Kontrolle über die Zuverlässigkeit des Internets und ist nicht verantwortlich für Verluste, die durch Verbindungsunterbrechungen oder andere Probleme entstehen.