No. 739Märkte | Preis | 24H-Änderung | 30D-Änderung | 24H-Volumen | 24-Stunden-Transaktionswert |
1. Project introduction
SIDUS belongs to a new types of video game, one that implements a "play-to-earn" model. This concept gives players ownership rights over all in-game items and incentives them to play and progress through the game. SIDUS HEROS and other games like it, build up player-driven economic systems that have tangible value in the real world. The development of play-to-earn mechanics has given rise to the "Leisure Economy", in which players make all their income from playing games.
SIDUS HEROS transports players to a whole new world in which technological advancements have reached a level where they have merged all living beings, becoming as one with them. The universe is inhabited by 12 tech-based races that represent different blockchains and are already familiar to the community. Just like in the NFT collection, character, feature and a Hero's outlook on life is predetermined by the race he belongs to.
Despite all the differences, endless clashed and chaos, SIDUS' scenarios and missions pull in players from different backgrounds and push them to find common ground. If they want to advance, they must collaborate. Players can join forces and go on difficult missions together.
2. Team introduction
Co-Founder & CEO: Dan Khomeko
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-khomenko-36687967/
Co-Founder & Game Producer: Roman Povolotski
3. Investment institution
Animoca Brands, Polygon, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, Arkstream Capital, Spark Digital Capital, AU21 Capital, HashKey
3. Application and distribution
Token application:
SIDUS is the in-game token in which rewards are paid out and is the main currency used in the SIDUS marketplace and other in-game services. Using the internal game currency, users can purchase accelerators and consumables to make the gameplay more efficient and productive.
Token distribution:
Public Sale: 2%
Partners & Advisors: 3%
Liquidity: 5%
Seed Round: 5%
Team: 6.5%
Pre-Public Round: 8.5%
Reserve Fund: 9%
Private Round: 11%
Ecosystem: 50%
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