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Letters of Appreciation: Institutions Praise CoinEx Charity for Its Charitable Actions

2022-11-30 07:43:09

Committed to its mission of “Via Blockchain, Making the World a Better Place”, CoinEx Charity embarked on a charitable journey in 2022 and launched charitable programs focusing on education equity, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation worldwide. Responding to the call of international organizations, it has pooled resources from multiple channels, expanded the boundary of charity by conducting new forms of charitable programs, and enabled sustainable charity.

During the past year, CoinEx Charity has collaborated with charitable organizations worldwide to gather the forces for good. It has hosted multiple well-received charitable programs and received letters of appreciation from charities around the world.


Gathering Momentum for Charity to Pass on the Charitable Spirit


A friend in need is a friend indeed. In February this year, Rio de Janeiro, a major state of Brazil, was hit by the heaviest rainfall since 1932, leaving more than 900 residents homeless. To help victims resettle after the disaster, CoinEx Charity responded to the fundraising event organized by the local government and gave donations as soon as possible. CoinEx Charity received a letter of appreciation from Terra Santa for the donations it gave. The NGO recognized the fast responses of CoinEx Charity immediately after the country was hit by heavy rainfall. CoinEx Charity’s charitable actions boosted morale and encouraged Brazilians to fight floods and rebuild their homes.

Letter of appreciation from Terra Santa



Focusing on Children’s Growth & Contributing to Charitable Education

In May 2022, CoinEx Charity launched the “Book Donation Worldwide” charitable program. During the event, the organization procured books and learning supplies for kids and built charitable reading corners for schools. On Children’s Day, CoinEx Charity sent 1,000 books and 350 sets of learning supplies to over 300 students at Wat Chai Chimphli Elementary School in Bangkok, Thailand.


The books helped CoinEx Charity deliver warmth and compassion to the students. All teachers and students at Wat Chai Chimphli are grateful for the donation from CoinEx Charity and expressed their gratitude through a letter of appreciation: “The new books sparked the students’ enthusiasm for learning. The school is grateful for your generous support and wishes you the best of luck.”

Letter of appreciation from a primary school in Thailand


In July, CoinEx Charity sponsored the Blue Carpet Show for UNICEF 2022. All funds raised by the Blue Carpet Show will become part of the UNICEF foundation to help vulnerable children in Thailand and around the world, create better living conditions for children, and address their urgent needs. After the event, CoinEx Charity also received a Certificate of Appreciation from UNICEF, in which the UN organization recognized and appreciated CoinEx Charity’s contribution.


Certificate of Appreciation from UNICEF


In August, CoinEx Charity funded the “Education is My Hope” charity program launched by the Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer (KAÇUV) and provided scholarships for 50 local students in Turkey to help them continue their education. As the new semester started, CoinEx Charity received a letter of appreciation from KAÇUV in which the organization thanked CoinEx Charity for paying close attention to education and making donations to students.


There is a heartwarming story behind all the letters of appreciation, which are compliments about the charitable actions taken by the organization. They witnessed the power of charity in helping vulnerable groups and reaffirmed CoinEx Charity’s determination to keep on contributing to charitable causes.


The journey ahead may be long and arduous, but with sustained actions, we will eventually reach our destination and embrace a brighter future. As an international charity, CoinEx Charity will remain committed to doing good over the long term. Always standing on the front line of charity, the organization strives to respond to charitable demands through real actions and deliver warmth and compassion across the globe.

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