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Comparing Web2 vs Web3: Differences

2023-02-14 07:20:00

You've probably heard rumors about Web3 if you've noticed the discussion surrounding cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or blockchain technology. The name Web3 serves as a catchall for the above technologies and a way to identify a technological industry progression. 

The terms "the Web" and "the Internet" are frequently used interchangeably, even though they are two different technologies. In addition, there is more than one generation of the World Wide Web. 

In this blog post, we will learn the differences between Web1, Web2, and Web3. It provides an overview of Web1, a definition of Web2, a definition of Web3, and comparisons such as Web1 versus Web2.

Let's look at these 3 different versions of the world wide web and learn the differences between them.

Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

What are Web1, Web2, and Web3?

What is Web1?

The earliest stage in the World Wide Web's development is Web1. In the early days of Web1, only a select few users created content, while most users were simply consumers. Personal web pages were prevalent and typically consisted of static pages hosted on web servers run by the user's Internet service provider (ISP) or on free web hosting services.

Web1 does not permit users to view website adverts while browsing the internet. Web1 is a content delivery network (CDN) that allows websites to exhibit individual information. It is possible to create a personal website with it. It will cost the customer money according to the number of pages they see. It provides users with directories that they can utilize to retrieve a particular piece of information. The years 1991 to 2004 comprise the period known as Web1.

What is Web2?

If Web1 consisted of a relatively small number of people producing content for a much bigger audience, then Web2 is comprised of a vast number of people having an increasing amount of content for a greater audience. Reading was the primary focus of Web1, while participation and contribution were central to Web2.

This online form emphasizes User-Generated Content (UGC), which stands for user-generated content, as well as ease of use, interaction, and enhanced compatibility with other systems and devices. 

The experience that the end-user has is at the center of Web2. Consequently, this web form was accountable for establishing communities, collaborations, discourse, and social media. As a direct consequence of this, Web2 is widely regarded as the dominant mode of web interaction for most users in the modern period.

What is Web3?

When compared to Web2, Web3 shows promise as an improvement, particularly given the significant changes it brings to the underlying infrastructure. The third generation of the web makes use of an advanced metadata system. This version of the web is also referred to as the semantic web. 

The metadata system assists in organizing all different kinds of data to render it understandable both by humans and by machines. The most significant benefit linked with Web3 is practically the best highlight regarding the differences between Web2 and Web3. With Web3, the necessity for centralized intermediaries was eliminated, and information became more accessible to more people.

Comparing Web2 vs Web3: Differences


  • Centralized
  • Social Networks like Facebook
  • Easy to understand
  • Web Applications
  • Wikipedia
  • AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 are examples of related technology. 


  • Decentralized
  • Metaverse worlds
  • Hard to understand the concept for beginners
  • Smart Applications
  • Semantic Web
  • Web3 technologies include blockchain, artificial intelligence, and decentralized protocols.
Comparing Web 2 vs Web 3: Differences

Uses of Web2 and Web3

Web2 uses

It provides free knowledge-based systems, enabling users to retrieve and organize the data collected.

It possesses dynamic information that modifies itself in response to the actions taken by the user.

It makes use of custom application programming interfaces developed in-house (API).

It promotes independent use and enables many forms of engagement, such as:

  • Podcasting
  • Social media
  • Tagging\Blogging
  • Commenting
  • Utilizing RSS for Curation
  • The use of social networks
  • Web content voting.

Web3 uses

Metaverses: A 3D-rendered, unbounded virtual world

Users can have genuine ownership of in-game resources in blockchain games, which adhere to the same concepts as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Zero-knowledge proofs and more secure personal information are two applications of blockchain technology that relate to privacy and digital infrastructure.

Finances that are not centralized. Blockchains for payments, peer-to-peer digital financial transactions, smart contracts, and Bitcoin decentralized autonomous organizations are all examples of uses for cryptocurrencies. Community members own online communities.

Users can engage with one another, securely trade information, and complete financial transactions without needing a central authority or coordinator when Web3 is fully implemented. Consequently, each person transforms from merely being a content user into a content owner.

Benefits and Pitfalls of Web2 and Web3


  • Benefits

Web2 allows users to access vast amounts of information with a click of a button. Recent years have seen an increase in capabilities for searching data and information. Web2 can be navigated with little effort. The internet offers a large selection of entries in various formats. Simple access to information in several different languages.

It gives individuals the opportunity to take part in debates and forums and to share the thoughts and opinions they have. Websites for social media use to exchange information about current events worldwide. People can now add missing information and fix inaccurate data thanks to Web2.

  • Pitfalls

There are times when the results shown do not match what was requested. There are several instances in which the quality of the translated output is poor. Occasionally, it takes excessive time to acquire an answer to what has been asked. There is a possibility of receiving inaccurate information.

If you don't know the person's email address or website address, you won't be able to get in touch with them. The threat of being subjected to spam, fraud, and virus attacks. Occasionally a lack of personal space.


  • Benefits

By bringing together additional data, the semantic web will be able to contribute to the network of online data. It is hoped that it will have a higher degree of dependability. The Web3 standard will make it possible for both producers and users to have greater freedom. 

Web3 will use decentralized networks to ensure that users never lose control over their online data, and it will do this by empowering them with more customization options. It is anticipated that the subsequent iteration of something like the web would be more reliable due to its decentralized design, which removes the potential of a single point of failure.

In most cases, it appears to have been done by professionals. A higher level of individualization inside the realm of the internet. Because Web3 will be able to identify your preferences, you will have the ability to make significant customizations to your time spent exploring the internet. You'll also find that this makes it easier for you to be more productive when browsing the web.

  • Pitfalls

Web3 will be inaccessible to devices with lower levels of technological development.

Web1 sites will seem much older. The process of regulation is challenging. Some industry professionals believe that the decentralized nature of Web3 will make it more challenging to monitor and control the platform. This could, among other things, lead to an increase in instances of online cybercrime and abuse. 

Investors in venture capital and other types of financiers will own it. As a consequence of this, there is a possibility that control will continue to be centralized. 

Is Web3 the future?

An in-depth analysis of the internet will reveal that there are still millions of static websites that individuals who have access to the internet can go to and read without having to engage with the content on those pages in any way.

Even though that is the case, the place where the vast majority of individuals invest the majority of their time is Web2.

It only took a few short years for the Web2 version to become the dominant form of the internet. It will likely be a few more years before Web3 becomes the dominant platform. When it does, Web2 will not become obsolete because of it. The internet will become an improved version of itself due to this change.

In a nutshell, there will never be a time when the internet is free of static web pages. Web1 will not go away. Web2 won't either. We can all hope that Web3 lives up to its claim to decentralize the internet and broaden the opportunity for everyone to have more access to their data, assets, and identities. This is something that we can all look forward to seeing happen.

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