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1.Project introduction
The blockchain trilemma is an issue that is deeply studied by both academics and market participants. It states that all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., must make trade-offs between optimal security, scalability and decentralization, often prioritizing the two at the expense of the third element. elements.
CORE’s solution to the trilemma is the Satoshi Plus consensus, which runs at the core of the Core Network. The Satoshi Plus consensus combines Proof of Work (PoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to leverage the strengths of each while ameliorating their shortcomings. Specifically, Bitcoin computing power ensures decentralization, DPoS and leadership election mechanisms ensure scalability, and the entire network maintains overall security. Core is the first chain to implement this new consensus mechanism. CORE hopes to leverage the power of community to achieve the necessary network effects needed to create a successful currency and serve as a much-needed springboard for wider adoption of Web 3.
2.Team introduction
Satoshi Plus Developer
3. Token application
CORE’s supply is hard capped at 2.1 billion tokens. Above the hard cap, a certain percentage of all block rewards and transaction fees will be burned, similar to Ethereum’s “super-sound money” model. The exact percentage burned will be determined by the DAO.
In reality, CORE will gradually approach but never quite reach the total number of 2.1 billion tokens, similar to Avalanche’s token economic model.
Emission curve:
CORE’s block rewards will be paid out over 81 years. This longer period increases the likelihood of chain success by fully incentivizing all network participants before transitioning to compensation purely through transaction fees. This additional block reward in the form of CORE can also be considered as a way for existing BTC miners to continue after Bitcoin block rewards stop (around 2040) by leveraging their existing hashing power to become validators on the Core network. One way to get subsidies.
Invertir en criptomonedas conlleva riesgos de mercado y volatilidad de precios. Antes de comprar o vender, los inversores deben considerar sus objetivos de inversión, experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Las inversiones pueden dar lugar a pérdidas parciales o totales, y los inversores deben determinar el monto de la inversión en función del nivel de pérdida que puedan permitirse. Cada persona debe ser consciente de los riesgos asociados a los criptoactivos y buscar la ayuda de asesores financieros en caso de dudas. Además, puede haber riesgos imprevistos. Los inversores deben considerar su situación financiera con diligencia antes de tomar cualquier decisión comercial. Las opiniones, noticias, análisis, etc., proporcionados en este sitio web son comentarios de mercado y no constituyen asesoramiento de inversión. La plataforma no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que se produzcan por confiar en esta información.
Los datos sobre criptomonedas que se muestran en la plataforma (como los precios en tiempo real) proceden de terceros y sólo sirven de referencia, por lo que no están totalmente garantizados. Operar en Internet conlleva riesgos, incluidos fallos de software y hardware. La plataforma no controla la fiabilidad de Internet y no es responsable de las pérdidas resultantes de fallos de conexión u otros problemas relacionados.