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EthereumPoW is the Original Ethereum Blockchain powered by Proof of Work. EthereumPoW (ETHW), adhering to the original decentralized governance concept of Ethereum, will jointly realize a PoW Ethereum public chain that is fully shared and governed by the community.
Due to the PoS upgrade of Ethereum and the abandonment of the fork of PoW, EthereumPoW (ETHW) will continue to maintain the existing PoW public chain, and on this basis, make the following five commitments:
(1) No premine or inflation. It will be fair and the true continuation of the Ethereum chain.
(2) In the foreseeable future, maintain PoW and the Nakamoto Consensus mechanism, which is the foundation of everything that ever mattered in the Crypto space: A truly robust and inclusive system.
(3) Abolition of EIP-1559. In a truly open and inclusive system/society, there is no justification for punishing one group of participants in favor of another.
(4) We will never idolize leaders. We strive to be an enlightened society.
(5) The network, EthereumPow (to distinguish it from the soon-to-be PoS alternative chain) is to eventually become completely autonomous and self-sustained, devoid of any governance entity. We set the goal to achieve it in 3 years.
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