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1. Project introduction
DeFi Kingdoms is a cross-chain, play-to-earn game built on a strong DeFi protocol with plans to become a fully-fledged MMORPG in later phases of the Roadmap.
The game features DEXs, liquidity pool opportunities, and a market of rare, utility-driven NFTs, which all together create a beautiful, immersive online world in the incredibly nostalgic form of fantasy pixel art. DeFi Kingdoms currently lives on the Harmony and DFK Chain blockchains.
2. Team introduction
Founder: Frisky Fox
President: Dreamer
3. Application and distribution
Token application:
JEWEL acts as the main token of value in a metaverse game, giving it utility above and beyond that of a regular coin. JEWEL can be used to purchase Hero NFTs, which can themselves be used to earn JEWEL and other rewards. JEWEL can also be combined with existing Heroes and other items to mint new Heroes, and be swapped through the DEX for other tokens and in-game items. This is all in addition to fee sharing opportunities, liquidity pooling, and governance rights.
Token distribution:
The JEWEL token has a hard cap of 500,000,000 tokens.
10,000,000 JEWEL tokens have been pre-minted and distributed as follows:
5,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to the Development Fund Multisig Safe to fund the future development of the game. These tokens will be time-locked and released over a set schedule as features are completed.
2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to the Marketing Fund Multisig Safe for promotion of the project, including marketing, airdrops, etc. These tokens are also time-locked to release slowly over the next few years to ensure that there are always funds available to market the game and acquire new players and traders.
2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for initial liquidity. These tokens were matched with ONE tokens to form the initial liquidity pool and will not be withdrawn or sold.
1,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to the Founders Fund Multisig Safe for bounties and hours for the founding team based on their work towards launch. Half of these tokens were awarded at launch, and the other half will vest over time.
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