No. 1173Mercado | Precio | Cambio en 24H | Cambio en 30D | Volumen de 24H | Volumen de 24H |
1. Project introduction
Port3 aggregates and standardizes off-chain/on-chain data to build a Web3 Data Layer that is universally accessible and powerful for Web3 use cases.
SoQuest is a traffic aggregation platform that serves both projects and users. Since its launch in February 2022, the platform has experienced rapid growth, gaining traffic and reputation.SoQuest has acquired various data channels through detection-based methods, robots, and APIs. Users can bind their Web2 and Web3 identities on the platform, providing Quest with rich data.
SoQuest has significant monetization potential. It can earn marketing fees through B2B payments and generate substantial profits by directing traffic to transaction gateways.SoQuest effectively combines new technologies such as AI, AA, and L2 in the blockchain field, leveraging their strengths.
2. Team introduction
6+ years crypto experience, ex. BD at Apple.Inc
Product Lead: ANTHONY DENG
Product Designer from Tencent, 7+ years in blockchain development
3. Application and distribution
Token application:
-Proposing and voting on community decisions
-Staking to receive platform dividend earnings
-Staking token for Port3 Network L2 nodes
-Gas token for Port3 Network L2
-Payment token for the Social Data Layer
-Payment token for BQL running credit
-Payment token for SoQuest credit purchases
Token distribution:
-Ecosystem 36% - Used for future incentives for developers and the ecosystem, initially locked, and available for node plans of L2
-Treasury 10% - Prepare for possible future expansion
-Team 20% - Cliff for 1 year, linearly released every quarter over 3 years
-Private Sale 21% - TGE 2.5%, Cliff for 3 months, linearly released every quarter over 2 years
-Public Sale 1% - Fully unlocked
-Airdrop 7% - Airdropped in 3 phases
-Marketing 5% - All operational related budgets
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Los datos sobre criptomonedas que se muestran en la plataforma (como los precios en tiempo real) proceden de terceros y sólo sirven de referencia, por lo que no están totalmente garantizados. Operar en Internet conlleva riesgos, incluidos fallos de software y hardware. La plataforma no controla la fiabilidad de Internet y no es responsable de las pérdidas resultantes de fallos de conexión u otros problemas relacionados.