No. 376Mercado | Precio | Cambio en 24H | Cambio en 30D | Volumen de 24H | Volumen de 24H |
1. Project introduction
On Kamino, users can:
Borrow and lend their assets
Provide leveraged liquidity to concentrated liquidity DEXs
Build their own automated liquidity strategies
Use concentrated liquidity positions as collateral
Kamino's product suite is packaged into an industry-leading UX that offers transparent analytics, detailed performance data, and extensive position info.
Kamino Lend (K-Lend), a novel peer-to-pool borrowing primitive designed as foundational infrastructure to power complex financial products with leverage and automation, and as a decentralized matchmaker between borrowers and lenders.
K-Lend underpins Kamino 2.0, which is a fully integrated dApp unifying borrowers, lenders, and liquidity providers - allowing users to express more market views than ever before, and enabling them to participate throughout all phases of the market cycle.
2. Token application and distribution
Token application:
Kamino holders will be able to stake their KMNO natively on Kamino — this can enable users to earn staking boosts, which will boost their current points earnings.
Should Kamino establish protocol governance, the KMNO token can be implemented as the primary token to engage in specific parts of the protocol’s decision-making. This could include voting on user reward campaigns, protocol grants, revenue allocations, or certain aspects of protocol risk management.
Token distribution:
Community & Grants
35% of the KMNO supply is allocated to Kamino growth initiatives, which may include builder grants or community incentives. This will be directed via the Kamino treasury.
- Genesis Allocation
7.5% of KMNO will be distributed via the KMNO Genesis event on April 30th. This aims to reward existing and long-time users of the platform, other than Restricted Persons.
Liquidity & Treasury — 10%
10% of the supply is allocated to growing liquidity for the KMNO token across various venues throughout the lifecycle of the token. This will be directed via the Kamino treasury.
Core Contributors — 20%
Kamino’s core group of contributors has been allocated 20% of the supply. These contributors work to develop Kamino, covering numerous focus areas such as product, engineering, risk management, growth, and operations.
The contributor allocation will be locked up for 12 months, after which it will vest linearly over 24 months.
Key Stakeholders & Advisors — 35%,35% of the KMNO supply is reserved for these key stakeholders and advisors. This allocation will be locked for 12 months, after which it will vest linearly over 24 months.
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Los datos sobre criptomonedas que se muestran en la plataforma (como los precios en tiempo real) proceden de terceros y sólo sirven de referencia, por lo que no están totalmente garantizados. Operar en Internet conlleva riesgos, incluidos fallos de software y hardware. La plataforma no controla la fiabilidad de Internet y no es responsable de las pérdidas resultantes de fallos de conexión u otros problemas relacionados.