خرید رمزارز
اطلاعات بازار
خدمات مالی
منطقه تازه واردان

XNA (Neurai)

با پاسخ دادن به سوالات ایردراپ، بیاموزید و کسب درآمد کنید
به پایان رسید
ایردراپ خوش شانس
مقدار کل ایردراپ
5,000,000 XNA
شرکت کنندگان ایرداپ
2000 نفر
تعداد شرکت کنندگان
5000 +
شروط شرکت
ارزش معاملات تجمعی در 30 روز پیش از آغاز رویداد (اسپات...)
≥ 100 USD
برای شرکت در فعالیت های بیشتر و کسب جوایز اینجا را کلیک کنید. >>
ایردراپ برای هر حساب
2,500 XNA
شروع به یادگیری
پاسخ به سوالات
پس از قرعه کشی، جوایز ارسال می شود

XNA Neurai

اطلاعات جفت ارز ها شروع به معامله
1. Project introduction
Neurai aims to be a platform to enable harnessing the power of AI algorithms for efficient data analytics, predictive modeling, decision making and connectivity to IoT devices using blockchain assets. The initial needs for creating Neurai were based on the following fundamental principles: - Robust and proven code. - Implementation of Proof of Work (PoW) for fair distribution. - ASIC resistance to prevent mining centralization. - Integration of assets to manage and interact with IoT. - Availability of good documentation and libraries for a smooth start. After careful consideration, Neurai selected Ravencoin as the chosen solution for their journey. Ravencoin encompasses all the desired qualities, enabling Neurai to grow with robustness, simplicity, and power. Similar to any project, Neurai is not bound indefinitely to the initial codebase. They anticipate the continuous evolution of their project over the years, incorporating new features and improvements that benefit the community. Neurai had the option to be a token on any existing blockchain, but the limitations and lack of transparency in distribution compelled them to develop their own blockchain. Achieving decentralization and fair distribution is a highly intricate endeavor. However, Neurai firmly believes that Satoshi's invention of Proof of Work (PoW) ingeniously addresses this problem, and currently, there is no superior alternative for ensuring security in a distributed network.
2. Application and distribution
Total supply: 21,000,000,000 Token application: Transaction Fees & Rewards Token distribution: (1) Style: Micro Halving (2) When: Every 10 days (3) How much: 5% (4) Mined: 1º Year: 57% 2º Year: 70% 3º Year: 80% 4º Year: 86% 5º Year: 92% 6º Year: 94% 7º Year: 95%