NABOX (Nabox)
با پاسخ دادن به سوالات ایردراپ، بیاموزید و کسب درآمد کنید
به پایان رسید
ایردراپ خوش شانس برای شرکت در فعالیت های بیشتر و کسب جوایز اینجا را کلیک کنید. >>
مقدار کل ایردراپ
15,000,000 NABOX
شرکت کنندگان ایرداپ
750 نفر
تعداد شرکت کنندگان
3000 +
شروط شرکت
تکمیل احراز هویت
ورود برای جزئیات بیشتر
VIP1 و بالاتر
ورود برای جزئیات بیشتر
ایردراپ برای هر حساب
20,000 NABOX
شروع به یادگیری
پاسخ به سوالات
پس از قرعه کشی، جوایز ارسال می شود
اطلاعات جفت ارز ها شروع به معامله
Nabox was originally created in 2018 as an incubated project by the NULS Foundation. Originally built to serve users of NULS, Nabox's userbase has seen continuous growth as the NULS ecosystem develops. The vision of DeFi and blockchain is to have projects interact with each other without barriers. However, with the myriad of different chains each vying for dominance, we are starting to see fragmentation in the industry as a whole. Our mission is to create a revolutionary cross-chain wallet built for Web 3.0. With Nabox, users are able to manage their assets including transfer and make signatures across various chains, including Ethereum, BSC, Heco, NULS etc for now, forming the foundation of the cross-chain capabilities of Nerve Network, another NULS-incubated project. With the Nabox plugin, users are able to seamlessly utilize their digital assets across various chains at the click of a button. With this, we hope to be the enabler to push BSC, Heco, OKExChain, NULS and other higher performance blockchains in becoming more closely integrated to the Ethereum Layer 2 infrastructure.
NABOX is useable across various chains and is the governance token of Nabox. It can be used for voting on product features as well as various other scenarios. NABOX tokens can be transferred across Nabox wallets with 0 gas fees through Nerve Network. It can be used for various rewards and incentives for encouraging engagement with Nabox, accelerating mainstream adoption of cryptoassets. Maximum supply of NABOX is 1,000,000,000,000.
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