No. 830Marché | Prix | Changement 24H | Changement 30D | Volume des transactions sur 24H | Volume 24H |
1.Project introduction:
AS Roma Fan Tokens are digital assets that never expire. Think of them as a traditional membership, only with voting rights on official club decisions, unrivalled access to the team and incredible once in a lifetime experiences. Nevermind. Don’t think of them as a traditional membership.
2.Token application and distribution:
Token application:
The AS Roma Fan Token (ASR) is a utility token that gives AS Roma fans a tokenized share of influence on club decisions using the Socios application and services. The token serves as a membership key that allows users to compete for exclusive rewards, club recognition, and more.
ASR token holders can vote via smart contract on various ""fan decision"" polls published by AS Roma. AS Roma is contractually bound to act according to poll results.
Token holders can interact with the Socios platform (voting on polls, competing in contests and quizzes, connecting/chatting with like-minded users, etc.) and earn rewards, including: Matchday tickets, Exclusive experiences, Cashback offers from official online shops, In-app CHZ bonuses, Digital badges, Club-specific NFTs.
Token distribution:
ASR has a total token supply of 10,000,000, of which about 1,220,010 were distributed to club fans via a Fan Token Offering. The remaining tokens are held by AS Roma.
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