No. 920Introduction
1. Project introduction
Beam is a cryptocurrency based on the MimbleWimble protocol with strong privacy, substitution and scalability. All Beam transactions are private by default. New nodes joining the network do not need to synchronize the entire transaction history, that is, they can request for the compressed history records and block headers of the system state only so as to achieve fast synchronization. Beam is a new cryptocurrency trying to implement MimbleWimble and was written from scratch in C ++. Compared with the unlimited total supply of Grin, Beam is limited with halved cyclical returns.User addresses are kept confidential at all times and are never disclosed to any third parties. Users have total access and control over their privacy, deciding who can access their information and what they are allowed to see.Beam supports custom transactions of different types, such as escrow, atomic swaps and time-locked ones.
2. Distribution
Token distribution:
During the first five years of Beam existence, extra coins are emitted for every mined block in addition to the miner reward. Those extra coins are referred to as Treasury. In the first year, the miner reward is 80 coins per block, and Treasury emission is 20 coins per block. In the years 2–5, the miner reward is 40 coins per block, and Treasury emission is 10 coins per block. Treasury emission stops after 5 years.
Please note that the full name of BEAM on CoinEx is Beam, a cryptocurrency developed based on the MimbleWimble Protocol. Please be sure to distinguish the correct token before trading to avoid confusion.
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