No. 300Marché | Prix | Changement 24H | Changement 30D | Volume des transactions sur 24H | Volume 24H |
1. Project introduction
DeSo is a new type of social network that builds a custom blockchain from scratch that allows users to leverage its influence and content monetization mechanisms.
DeSo has 5 features:
(1) On-Chain Profiles: Every user's profile is stored on-chain and is solely controlled by the user's private keys, making user's identity portable between all apps in the DeSo ecosystem.
(2) Social NFTs: NFTs minted on DeSo are associated with the artist's profile, and can be shown off on the buyer's profile, enhancing provenance while making them inherently social, and more valuable.
(3) Social Tokens: Every profile created on DeSo can have a social token attached to it. Social tokens on DeSo earn cashflows from NFT sales, and soon all forms of creator monetization.
(4) Social Tipping aka "Diamonds": Tips can be integrated directly with content, e.g. allowing users to give "diamonds" to posts rather than just "likes."
(5) On-Chain Posts: Every post and reply is stored and indexed directly on-chain, meaning that user's content is portable across all apps in the DeSo ecosystem.
2. Team introduction
Head of the DeSo Foundation: Nader Al-Naji
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nader-al-naji-86b14a3a/
Software Engineer: Sofonias Assefa
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofonias/
3. Application and distribution
Total supply: 10,808,492
Token application:
DESO is mainly used to buy creator coins. Creator coins are a new type of asset class that is tied to the reputation of an individual, rather than to a company or commodity. Every profile on the DeSo gets its own coin that anybody can buy and sell.
Token distribution:
Initial Bonding Curve Distribution: ~8.5 million
Founders: 2 million
Mining: ~275,000
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