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No. 1049
NEOX Dernier prix
Prix le plus bas
Prix le plus élevé
Volume 24H(USD)
Valeur du marché totale(USD)
Valeur du marché courante (USD)
Circulation totale
Offre totale

Tendances du marché

NEOX Changement de phase
Les 7 derniers jours
Au cours du mois dernier
Au cours des 3 derniers mois
Au cours des 6 derniers mois
Au cours de la dernière année


Changement 24H
Changement 30D
Volume des transactions sur 24H
Volume 24H
-- BTC



1. Project introduction

Neoxa is a decentralized blockchain for the gamers, developers and miners. While other cryptocurrencies use only Proof of Work(PoW), Neoxa uses PoW and Proof of Game(PoG). PoG is a new way for gamers to participate in blockchain technology, simply by playing games. Until now, the minable cryptocurrency communities and gaming communities have been separated by a graphic card shortage. With Neoxa, both these communities can come together and get a piece of the block.

Neoxa uses KawPow as the hashing algorithm. The KawPoW algorithm is a tweaked variant of Programmatic Proof of Work (ProgPoW) developed by the Ethereum developers. The algorithm makes it harder for ASIC miners to join the network and gives GPU miners preference. A block is mined every 60 seconds by Proof of Work.

Neoxa introduces a new earning mechanism to earn cryptocurrency while playing video games. With Proof of Game, gamers can “mine” $NEOX by simply playing video games. Gaming can be seen by many as simply wasting time, with Neoxa Proof of Game you earn while having fun.

2. Application and distribution

Token application:

Transfer of value

Transfer of assets

Gaming purchases

In-game item purchases

In-game cosmetics purchases

Token distribution:

Currently, every block mined on the Neoxa network distributes 5000 NEOX. The block time is 60 seconds. Just like Ravencoin and Bitcoin, block rewards will halve in 4 years.

Year one (June 2022 –June 2023), the block structure is 85% for Proof of Work, 10% for Proof of Game, and 5% for the developer fund.

Year two (June 2023 –June 2024), Neoxa will increase its Proof of Game rewards. 75% of a block will go to Proof of Work, 20% to Proof of Game, and 5% to the developer fund.

Year three (June 2024 –June 2025), the rewards to Proof of Game will double from year two. 55% of a block will go to Proof of Work, 40% will go to Proof of Game, and 5% to the developer fund.

Year four (June 2025 –June 2026), the last year the block structure changes, and Proof of Game will receive the majority of the block reward. 60% of the block reward will go to Proof of Game, 35% to Proof of Work, and 5% to the development fund.

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