No. 1023Marché | Prix | Changement 24H | Changement 30D | Volume des transactions sur 24H | Volume 24H |
1. Project Introduction
SCP is a US Class C company registered in Colorado, which has laws that are favorable to the development of blockchain, especially those related to utility tokens and their production. The company's vision is to create a disruptive new entity in the growing cloud services and cloud infrastructure market by leveraging the core parts of distributed networks, public ledgers and Web3.0 technologies. Its key message is "first evolution, then revolution", emphasizing that the core product can directly replace the current centralized cloud services.
Instead of buying, hosting and using cryptocurrencies, enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises pay normally on the Xa Network Service Platform. At the bottom layer, the company's relayer technology handles all encrypted smart contracts and transactions. A high degree of S3 compatibility ensures that it can effectively replace thousands of current object storage-based cloud applications.
To build the network, we also produce and sell Xa-Miner storage provider nodes and full software licenses for DIY configuration. XM is the backbone of the most powerful, durable and best-performing distributed cloud on the planet. They can be purchased directly on the Xa-Miner website or through a growing list of trusted XNS partners.
2. Team Introduction
https://scpri.me/team, contact@scpri.me
3. Investment institutions
Bootstrapped - Angel
4. Token distribution
At the launch of the project, a new blockchain instantiated from the "Genesis" block issued 300,000 SCP tokens to miners who solved cryptographic puzzles. The token issuance plan decreases by one token per block until it reaches 10,000 SCP (approximately 5.5 years from Genesis), and is expected to remain at this level thereafter, creating a non-linear inflation plan.
The project development fee was initially set at 20% of the block reward, gradually decreasing over a two-year period, and this part of the funds was used for developer costs. Based on general market conditions, this amount of funds is insufficient to support the completion of the project, so private investment is required to complete product development.
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Les données sur les crypto-monnaies affichées sur la plateforme (telles que les prix en temps réel) proviennent de tiers et sont fournies à titre de référence uniquement, sans garantie. Le trading sur Internet comporte des risques, y compris des défaillances logicielles et matérielles. La plateforme ne contrôle pas la fiabilité d'Internet et n'est pas responsable des pertes résultant de défaillances de connexion ou d'autres problèmes connexes.