No. 641Marché | Prix | Changement 24H | Changement 30D | Volume des transactions sur 24H | Volume 24H |
1. Project Introduction
Fractal Bitcoin encapsulates the Bitcoin Core code into a virtualization software package and recursively expands infinite layers on top of Bitcoin. It is mainly to solve the limited number cap of each block and the slow transaction speed of the main network and save transactions time. Fast transaction speed: The block confirmation time of the Fractal network is about 30 seconds, and the transaction processing capacity is 20 times that of the Bitcoin mainnet. Native Compatibility: Fractal is developed based on the Bitcoin core code, so it is fully compatible with existing Bitcoin wallets, tools and mining equipment. Dynamic adjustment: The recursive system based on the Bitcoin mainnet can automatically adjust the number of expansion layers based on network congestion. Secure traceability: All transactions conducted on the Fractal network can ultimately be traced back to the Bitcoin mainnet.
2. Team introduction
Fractal is a contributor-led project. Since its inception in the form of a technical litepaper, UniSat has teamed up with BlockSpaceForce, a team of operational veterans in the space, and other top minds to develop tooling and infrastructure for Fractal.
3. Token Application and Distribution
Token Application:
As the mainnet token, the gas token within the Fractal network
Token Distribution:
Proof of Work Mining (50%)
Half of the total token supply is allocated to Proof of Work (PoW) mining, aligning Fractal closely with Bitcoin’s security model. This is critical for maintaining network security and ensuring reliable block production.
Ecosystem Treasury (15%)
15% of the tokens are reserved for the Ecosystem Treasury, dedicated to investing in the Fractal ecosystem. This treasury supports and funds initiatives that improve the ecosystem, andprovides for ongoing core improvements to Fractal. A maximum of 10% of the total pool may be used each year, over a period of 10 years.
Pre-sale (5%)
Only 5% of the tokens are allocated for the pre-sale, targeting early investors. These funds are crucial for covering initial development and operational costs, as well as conducting security audits to ensure the robustness of the network. All tokens are locked up for a period of seven (7) months, and will be linearly released until the twelve (12)-month mark. This ensures that pre-sale participants are invested in the long-term growth of the ecosystem, while balancing out the immediate effects of proof-of-work (PoW) block production.
Advisor (5%)
Another 5% of the tokens are currently reserved for present and future advisors who will provide strategic advice and support for the ongoing development of the Fractal network. A maximum of 20% of the total pool may be used each year, over a period of 5 years.
Community Grants (10%)
10% of the tokens are allocated to community grants, which will be used to establish partnerships and liquidity programs. These initiatives are aimed at boosting network engagement over time, and will be community-directed. A maximum of 10% of the total pool may be used each year, over a period of 10 years.
Core Contributors (15%)
The remaining 15% of tokens are allocated to core contributors who build and maintain Fractal's core software. All tokens are locked up for a period of seven (7) months, and will be linearly released until the twelve (12)-month mark. As PoW networks do not inherently provide direct funding for development, this allocation ensures a dedicated pool of resources for ongoing improvements, attracting top talent and supporting the network's stability and growth. By funding development in this way, Fractal can continue to innovate and adapt, providing a secure, efficient platform that benefits the entire community.
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