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No. 1183
Infinity Hash
XIHS Dernier prix
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Prix le plus élevé
Volume 24H(USD)
Valeur du marché totale(USD)
Valeur du marché courante (USD)
Circulation totale
Offre totale
Tendances du marché
Changement 24H
Changement 30D
Volume des transactions sur 24H
Volume 24H



1.Project Introduction

xIHS is a tokenized version of staked Infinity Hash Shares (IHS) of the community Bitcoin mining project Infinity Hash. Each xIHS token is backed by real hardware and receives daily rewards from the Infinity Hash Bitcoin mining community project. Mining rewards and a 50% company revenue share are compounded internally, which results in the price and hash rate of xIHS increasing on a daily basis.

The cornerstone of Infinity Hash's success lies in its reinvestment system, which ensures long-term sustainability and continuous growth. By reinvesting 50% of the mining rewards into acquiring additional mining equipment, Infinity Hash maintains and increases the hash rate backing each share, and ultimately each share’s value and returns over time. This approach ensures the project's long-term viability, making it unique in the Bitcoin mining sector.

Infinity Hash prides itself on complete transparency, providing public access to mining data, energy costs, and equipment purchases. Each miner is assigned a unique ID, allowing stakeholders to link data from the project’s monthly reports with those on Infinity Hash's public mining pool at ViaBTC. Additional weekly updates and social posts offer continuous insights and overview.

2.Team Introduction

Infinity Hash is a community project. You can directly contact the team and link up with other community members via Telegram (

Alternatively, the projects team is always available on LinkedIn (

3.Token Application and Distribution

The team minted an initial supply of 100k xIHS. New xIHS tokens are minted each time investors purchase shares and new mining hardware is added to the project.xIHS is working a bit like Tether USDT, which means we need to mint new tokens each time new miners are added via investors funds. So the token supply will go up over time and is decreased by burns from time to time in case investors choose to unstake them in our dashboard to get the underlying IHS shares.

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Les données sur les crypto-monnaies affichées sur la plateforme (telles que les prix en temps réel) proviennent de tiers et sont fournies à titre de référence uniquement, sans garantie. Le trading sur Internet comporte des risques, y compris des défaillances logicielles et matérielles. La plateforme ne contrôle pas la fiabilité d'Internet et n'est pas responsable des pertes résultant de défaillances de connexion ou d'autres problèmes connexes.

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