No. 445Pasar | Harga | Perubahan 24J | Perubahan 30H | Volume 24J | Volume 24J |
1. Project introduction
Treasure is a decentralized NFT ecosystem on Arbitrum that is built specifically for metaverse projects.
Every project listed on Treasure’s marketplace utilizes MAGIC in their respective metaverses, with each community inventing its own lore and storytelling for this resource. MAGIC, the native token of Treasure, is the sole currency for marketplace transactions. In this way, MAGIC acts as the reserve currency for the entire web of metaverses connected under the Treasure umbrella.
The central metaverse in Treasure is a place called Bridgeworld, where MAGIC is emitted and harvested. Bridgeworld utilizes a three-part resource economy:
· MAGIC (Power);
· Treasures (NFT | Resources);
· Legions (NFT | Players)
Legions use treasures to mine for MAGIC and build larger forms of infrastructure and equipment. MAGIC is the resource that allows legions to quest and craft new items using treasures. The relationship between treasures and MAGIC is the equilibrium underpinning Bridgeworld. MAGIC is an increasingly scarce resource needed to “power on” treasures and allow them to function as productive assets. Treasures produce the instruments and materials needed to continue mining MAGIC. This dance between treasures and MAGIC forms a base layer metaverse on which other metaverse economies can be built and connected. Players can earn MAGIC through playing, mining, and participating in Bridgeworld. The Treasure ecosystem, therefore, is governed by MAGIC holders.
2. Application and distribution
total supply: 350million
Token application: governance, staking, purchasing NFT
Token distribution:
Treasure farm: 33%
Mining: 25%
Staking / Liquidity: 17%
Ecosystem Fund: 15%
Team: 10%
Investasi dalam aset kripto berisiko karena harga bisa naik dan turun. Sebelum membeli atau menjual, pikirkan tujuan, pengalaman, dan seberapa banyak risiko yang bisa kamu terima. Investasi bisa membuat kamu kehilangan sebagian atau semua asetmu. Ketahui juga risiko terkait dengan aset kripto dan minta bantuan penasihat finansial jika perlu. Ingat, selalu ada risiko tak terduga. Pertimbangkan situasi finansialmu sebelum membuat keputusan. Informasi di situs ini hanya untuk membantu, bukan saran investasi. Platform ini tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang mungkin kamu alami.
Harga aset kripto di platform hanya untuk referensi dari pihak ketiga, tidak ada jaminan. Berdagang di internet berisiko, termasuk masalah perangkat lunak atau keras. Platform tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian akibat masalah koneksi atau hal terkait lainnya.