No. 774市場の動向
1. Project introduction
Cere Network is well on its way to defining the future of consumer data, e-commerce, and NFTs. We part of the consortium of projects from Polkadot and Cosmos, united by the vision of cross-chain interoperability (cross communications) between blockchain networks and serve the purpose of a trustless, and scalable global decentralized ecosystem for all businesses and consumers.
Their key innovation revolves around the Cere Decentralized Data Cloud powered by the Cere Network mainnet. Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud (DDC) is designed from the ground up to address today’s enterprise need for individual user data encryption and privacy compliance while simplifying the customization and integration with today’s intelligent (AI) data-driven personalization solutions.
This DDC allows stakeholders to own and manage their data with full custody, making it the first platform that gives them 100% control over any data use or deployment.
Enterprises now have the opportunity to easily plug-in their existing applications and power of contextually relevant data, insights, and predictive analytics in real-time to supercharge their value streams via DDC.
Cere’s approach towards enterprise data holds similarities with successful cloud data platform Snowflake in providing direct access to first-party customer data. Cere takes this new narrative a step further through anonymizing and encrypting (individual-level) customer data through blockchain, which in turn can be exchanged with business partners and analyzed on Cere’s open and on-demand data marketplaces.
Cere makes data directly accessible in near real-time by all business units, partners/vendors, and machine-learning processes. This in turn enables secure and private data collaborations through Cere’s Open Data Marketplace (ODM) which is free from any traditional vendor lock-ins used by organizations like Salesforce, Oracle & Adobe. Utilizing this Decentralized Data Cloud, the Cere team is currently rolling out several enterprise projects and its own proprietary NFT platform.
2. Team introduction
CEO/Co-founder: Fred
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredjin
C0-founder: Kenzi
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenziwang
Co-founder: Ian
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ijcduggan
3. Investment institution
Binance labs, Arrington XRP Capital, QCP Capital, Kinetic capital, Monday capital, AU21 capital, NGC ventures, FBS capital
4. Application
The CERE token primarily serves three purposes on the network: SaaS-DeFi utility, Proof-of-Stake consensus, and network governance.
· SaaS DeFi Utility: As the main utility token powering a transformative Decentralized Data Cloud platform and SaaS DeFi framework, as well as fueling the Cere Marketplaces.
· Consensus Participation: CERE tokens can be staked by validators and node operators, who are incentivized and rewarded to act in the best interest of the Cere through the issuance of additional CERE tokens.
· Network Governance: CERE tokens confer voting rights, through which the Cere foundation and Cere Ecosystem participants decide on the operation and future development of the network.
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