No. 277市場の動向
1. Project introduction
The Sologenic ecosystem and it's SOLO coin provides a one-stop solution to tokenizing assets.
The Sologenic ecosystem aims to make it effortless for crypto investors to exchange assets and invest in different types of traditional financial instruments. These financial operations require a robust underlying infrastructure that operates in real-time and provides fast, secure, and transparent transactions.
Sologenic deploys SOLO coins for market-making and liquidity providing. SOLO coins are issued on the XRP Ledger allowing liquidity to be moved almost instantly. The ecosystem aims to eliminate entry barriers for individual and institutional crypto investors, allowing them to trade non-blockchain asset classes, such as stock, ETFs, and commodities, with one single cryptocurrency - SOLO. To put it simply, the coins will enable people all around the world to buy and sell stock in their favorite companies with SOLO, without the need for traditional brokerages. SOLO holders have access to a wide range of stocks from over 25 global stock exchanges. SOLO holders can be eligible to obtain a FREE Crypto Card to spend their cryptos instantly anywhere in the world.
2. Team introduction
CEO & Founder: Bob Ras
CTO & Founder: Reza Bashash
3. Application and distribution
Total supply: 400,000,000
Token application:
SOLO holders have various benefits on the Crypto cards, such as Monthly Rebate Cash Back, Airport Lounge Access, Discount on Select Hotels and Private events.
Token distribution: Team: 35%
Public: 15%
SOLO Liquidity & Operation: 15%
SOLO Community Fund (SCF): 20%
SOLO Expansion Fund (SEF): 15%
暗号資産への投資には市場リスクと価格変動が伴います。投資家は売買の前に投資目的、経験、リスク許容度を考慮する必要があります。投資は部分的または全体的な損失をもたらす可能性があり、投資家は許容できる損失のレベルに基づいて投資額を決定する必要があります。投資家は暗号資産に関連するリスクを認識し、疑問があれば財務アドバイザーに支援を求めるべきです。 また予期せぬリスクが発生する可能性もあります。投資家は取引を決定する前に自らの財務状況を真摯に検討する必要があります。本ウェブサイトで提供される意見、ニュース、分析等は市場解説であり投資アドバイスではありません。当プラットフォームはこの情報を信頼したために発生したいかなる利益損失に対しても責任を負いません。