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No. 74
NFT Infra
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What is Gala (GALA)?

Gala Games is a blockchain gaming platform that offers play-to-earn (P2E) gaming experiences. Gala Games operates on the Ethereum blockchain but is compatible with other chains like the Binance Smart Chain. There are plans to transition to GalaChain, its proprietary blockchain, for improved speed and scalability.
The platform offers a variety of games, an NFT marketplace, and music and film products. The GALA token serves as the platform's digital utility currency for transactions, rewards, and governance.
Players can earn GALA tokens by operating Founder Nodes, which validate in-game transactions and contribute to the network's functionality. Additionally, Gala Games has partnered with various entities, such as Brave, Polyient Capital, and C2 Ventures, to expand its ecosystem and support blockchain gaming initiatives..

Who Created Gala (GALA) ?

Gala was founded in 2019 by Eric Schiermeyer, Wright Thurston, and Michael McCarthy. The platform focuses on creating enjoyable games while also empowering artists and building a decentralized ecosystem.

How Does Gala (GALA) Work?

Gala Games operates on several key principles and mechanisms:

  1. Ownership of In-Game Items: Users have ownership of their in-game items, which are represented as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. This ownership is secured by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, providing immutable proof of ownership.
  2. Decentralized Governance: GALA token holders have a voice in determining the platform's development roadmap through decentralized governance mechanisms. They can participate in governance decisions by voting on proposals that influence game additions or ecosystem funding.
  3. Utility of GALA Tokens: GALA tokens facilitate various activities within the Gala Games ecosystem. Users can use GALA for in-game transactions, such as purchasing, trading, and owning NFTs. GALA tokens are also used for rewards, governance voting, and purchasing items from the Gala Store.
  4. Blockchain Integration: Gala Games integrates blockchain technology, particularly the Ethereum blockchain, to ensure transparency, security, and immutability within its ecosystem. Smart contracts validate transactions and ownership of NFTs, providing users with a transparent and secure environment.
  5. Rewards and Contributions: The platform rewards users and node operators with GALA tokens for their contributions to the network. This can include activities such as operating Founder Nodes, participating in governance, or contributing to the development of the ecosystem.

Overall, Gala Games offers a diverse range of blockchain games developed by both in-house developers and external partners, fostering an environment where players can enjoy various game genres while being rewarded with GALA tokens for their participation and contributions.


What is Gala (GALA) used for?

Gala (GALA) serves multiple purposes within the Gala Games ecosystem:

  1. Medium of Exchange: GALA is used as a digital utility token for transactions within the Gala Games ecosystem. Participants can use GALA to buy, sell, and trade various digital assets, including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) representing in-game items.
  2. Ownership of In-Game Items: GALA empowers gamers by ensuring they retain full ownership of their in-game items. Unlike traditional centralized gaming systems where players may lose their items if banned or if platforms shut down, GALA-backed ownership provides players with greater security and control over their digital assets.
  3. Decentralized Governance: GALA plays a crucial role in decentralized governance within the Gala Games ecosystem. Players and node operators can use GALA to participate in distributed voting mechanisms. Through these mechanisms, participants can influence the development roadmap of Gala Games, determining which games should be added to the platform or which projects should be funded by the decentralized ecosystem. This democratic approach gives users a voice in shaping the future of the gaming platform.

Token Distribution

The distribution of the Gala (GALA) token within the Gala Games ecosystem follows a structured schedule, with a significant portion allocated to Founder's Node Operators. Here is an overview of the Gala token distribution based on the provided sources:

  • Year 1: 50% of GALA tokens are distributed to Founder's Node Operators.
  • Year 2: 25% of GALA tokens are distributed to Founder's Node Operators.
  • Year 3: 8.43% of GALA tokens are distributed to Founder's Node Operators.
  • Post-Burn Distribution 1: 8.38% of GALA tokens are allocated to Founder's Node Operators.
  • Post-Burn Distribution 2: 8.20% of GALA tokens are assigned to Founder's Node Operators.

This distribution model ensures that Founder's Node Operators play a crucial role in the Gala Games ecosystem by receiving GALA tokens as rewards for their contributions to the network.

Inwestowanie w kryptowaluty wiąże się z ryzykiem rynkowym i zmiennością cen. Przed zakupem lub sprzedażą inwestorzy powinni rozważyć swoje cele inwestycyjne, doświadczenie i tolerancję na ryzyko. Inwestycje mogą skutkować częściową lub całkowitą stratą, a inwestorzy powinni określić kwotę inwestycji w oparciu o poziom strat, na jaki mogą sobie pozwolić. Inwestorzy powinni być świadomi ryzyka związanego z aktywami kryptograficznymi i w razie wątpliwości zasięgnąć porady doradców finansowych. Ponadto mogą występować nieprzewidziane zagrożenia. Inwestorzy powinni starannie rozważyć swoją sytuację finansową przed podjęciem jakichkolwiek decyzji handlowych. Opinie, wiadomości, analizy itp. przedstawione na tej stronie są komentarzami rynkowymi i nie stanowią porady inwestycyjnej. Platforma nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty poniesione w wyniku polegania na tych informacjach.

Dane kryptowalut wyświetlane na platformie (takie jak ceny w czasie rzeczywistym) pochodzą od stron trzecich i służą wyłącznie do celów poglądowych, nie są objęte żadnymi gwarancjami. Handel w internecie wiąże się z ryzykiem, włączając w to awarie oprogramowania i sprzętu. Platforma nie kontroluje niezawodności sieci internetowej i nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty wynikające z awarii połączenia lub innych powiązanych kwestii.

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