No. 385Rynek | Cena | Zmiana w 24 godz. | Zmiana w 30 dni | Wolumen obrotu w 24 godz. | Wolumen obrotu w 24 godz. |
1. Project introduction
DIMO is the people-powered movement behind the next generation of mobility services. By connecting drivers and their data with developers and manufacturers, DIMO is building the largest, most useful IoT network of user-owned devices—starting with cars.
DIMO helps user get more from driving. Save money. Learn how to better take care of their car. And, contribute to a future where driving apps work for vehicle owners, not the companies that build them—just by sharing data.
DIMO is teaming up with developers to create a new class of mobility apps. Build on DIMO’s stable, open-source platform and utilize real-world data from the tens of thousands of cars that contribute to the network.
2. Team introduction
Co-founder: Rob Solomon
Co-founder: Alex Rawitz
3. Investment institution
CoinFund, Variant Fund, Slow Ventures, Table Management
4. Application and distribution
Token application:
- Reward: for those who provide a greater quantity and frequency of reliable data.
- Buying Data. Any transaction involving the sale of user data requires $DIMO.
- Hardware. If a hardware OEM wants to create new DIMO-compatible devices, they’re required to back individual device IDs with $DIMO.
- Products and Services. In the future, all transactions on top of DIMO rails that involve payment for goods and services could also generate rewards and token burn.
Token distribution:
The DAO Treasury: 25%
Ongoing Incentives: 38%
DIMO Core Team: 8%
Capital Partners: 22%
Airdrop: 7%
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Dane kryptowalut wyświetlane na platformie (takie jak ceny w czasie rzeczywistym) pochodzą od stron trzecich i służą wyłącznie do celów poglądowych, nie są objęte żadnymi gwarancjami. Handel w internecie wiąże się z ryzykiem, włączając w to awarie oprogramowania i sprzętu. Platforma nie kontroluje niezawodności sieci internetowej i nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty wynikające z awarii połączenia lub innych powiązanych kwestii.