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No. 992
Morning Moon Village
LUMI Ostatnia cena
Najniższa cena
Najwyższa cena
Wolumen obrotu w 24 godz.(USD)
Całkowita kapitalizacja rynkowa(USD)
Kapitalizacja rynkowa w obrocie (USD)
Całkowity obrót
Całkowita podaż


LUMI Zmiana ceny
7 dni
30 dni
90 dni
180 dni
365 dni


Zmiana w 24 godz.
Zmiana w 30 dni
Wolumen obrotu w 24 godz.
Wolumen obrotu w 24 godz.
  • Informacje o monecie

1. Project introduction

Morning Moon Village is a play-to-earn exploration farming game which revolutionizes the traditional defi yield-farming project with game mechanics and full 3D graphics. The game features NFT rewards in which the players can leverage the NFTs during the farming process. Players with less staked value can potentially earn more rewards than those who staked more by clever uses of NFTs.

In the Morning Moon Village, you can build your farm, sell your crops, explore and collect resources, craft new equipment, have fun with your pets, all on the blockchain! Morning Moon Village is the game built with many features and functions to provide the various alternative ways for players to have fun and generate profit. Basically, the main feature is farming, the work of which is almost the same as other yield-farming platforms, but the game is designed to be easy for understanding and getting start. Moreover, the method of initialization is simply that players can complete all the needed transactions of farming features within the shop in game. The steps of adding liquidity is eliminated. The only requirement is knowing the input that will come in from of Seed & Stem. Morning Moon Village is the single-player game. The Maps and details in the game of each player are different and will be separately created for each account. There are both the main parts that are fixed to be the same creation, and the additional parts that will be randomly spawn.

2. Team introduction

CEO: Nenin

CTO: Samret

3. Investment institution

Bitkub ventures

4. Distribution

Over 10 years, LUMI Token will be released continuously with amount of 30,000,000 in 2021 until it reahes 200,000,000 of total supply in 2030.

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