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No. 518
Alien Worlds
BNB Chain
TLM Ostatnia cena
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1. Project introduction

Alien Worlds is an NFT DeFi metaverse that simulates economic competition and collaboration between players. This is achieved by incentivizing players to compete for Trilium (TLM), which is required to control competing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (“Planet DAOs”) and to gain access to additional gameplay.

In the Alien Worlds metaverse, players may use their Tool NFTs to mine TLM, and rent or own their Land. Successful mining attempts may reward plays with TLM, and sometimes additional NFTs. Depending on the Land or Tool NFT, players may be able to mine more TLM and NFTs, while others have shorter intervals between each mining cycle. Users may use the combination of Tools and Land that best suits their strategy and gameplay.

Besides, players may stake TLM to Planet DAOs, which indicates their support for a planet to receive more daily TLM emissions. Through staking, players also gain voting rights on the Planet DAO based on the proportion of TLM staked. Players may run to be a candidate for Councillor of one or more Planets. Following the elections at Planet DAO, the DAOs will be opened to governance by the elected Councillors, who will then share multi-sig control over the Planet DAO accounts.

2. Team introduction

Alien World is built by Dacoco. Here are the core members of Dacoco.

Co-Founder & CEO, Dacoco: Sarojini Mckenna

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saro-mckenna/

Co-Founder and Director, Dacoco GmbH: Rob Allen

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roballen101/

CFO, Dacoco GmbH: Marc Poirier

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-poirier/

Head of Technology, Dacoco: Michael Yeates

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-yeates-81702496/

3. Application and distribution

Max. supply: 10,000,000,000

Token application:

Trilium (TLM) is the native utility token of the Alien Worlds metaverse and has the following use cases:

(1) Planet Governance: TLM holders may stake TLM to participate in the governance of planets and other potential rewards.

(2) Staking: Players may stake TLM on a selected planet to participate in TLM and NFT mining.

(3) In-Game Currency: TLM tokens are the currency in Alien Worlds, where players require TLM to purchase and upgrade items, participate in quests and battles, and other in-game related activities.

(4) Gameplay Incentives: Active users may earn TLM as participation rewards to develop the in-game ecosystem and activity.

(5) Purchase NFTs: Players may purchase in-game items which are minted as NFTs, to mine TLM, engage in battles, and complete in-game quests.

Token distribution:

Seed Sale: 7.06%

Presale: 3.43%

Binance Launchpool: 1.50%

External Protocol Development: 1.80%

Marketing: 4.74%

Alien Worlds Foundation: 6.75%

Advisors: 2.00%

Team: 7.50%

Governance: 2.00%

Liquidity Provision: 3.00%

Staking Rewards: 1.75%

Security Audits: 0.40%

Ecosystem Grants: 7.31%

Participation Rewards: 50.00%

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