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No. 660
KIN Novo Preço
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1. Project introduction

Kin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that enables global permissionless transactions without the need for intermediaries. The Kin cryptocurrency is noninflationary, with a fully distributed supply that can't be increased.

Kin was created in 2017 by Ted Livingston's Kik Inc. and initially launched on the Ethereum blockchain. In 2020, Kin became the first cryptocurrency to migrate to the Solana blockchain. The Solana blockchain enables Kin to efficiently scale for mainstream global adoption with near instant transactions and fees of just fractions of a penny. Additionally, Solana’s blockchain technology has 0% net carbon impact, providing a sustainable platform for the global Kin economy.

Kin is used as money in a growing economy across independent websites, apps, games, and services including Code Inc.'s global payments platform, which empowers content creators and developers to monetize with micropayments. With Code’s permissionless payment platform, creators can charge as little as $0.05 for content they create online, unlocking new revenue streams not possible with traditional payment models due to fee structures. In 2024, Code Inc. received seed round funding from top VC firms USV and M13, as well as blockchain industry leaders Anatoly Yakovenko, Raj Gokal, Balaji Srinivasan, and others.

In 2020, Kik Inc. agreed to a mutual settlement with the United States SEC, in which Kin was not required to be registered as a security, making Kin one of the few cryptocurrencies with regulatory clarity.

Kin is fully decentralized. There is no centralized entity or foundation that manages the development of the Kin economy or speaks on its behalf. Rather, Kin is supported by an autonomous independent global community of stakeholders who are economically aligned and mutually incentivized to expand Kin's utility and collectively benefit from the value created as adoption grows. We are all Kin.

2. Team introduction

Founder: Ted Livingston

CTO: Will Gikanadi

3. Investment institution

Polychain, Galaxy Digital, Pantera

4. Application and distribution

Token application:

KIN can be used by users to reward content creators.

Token distribution:

Sales: 10%

Team: 30%

Foundation: 60%

Investir em criptomoedas envolve riscos de mercado e volatilidade de preços. Antes de comprar ou vender, os investidores devem considerar os seus objetivos de investimento, experiência e tolerância ao risco. Os investimentos podem resultar em perdas parciais ou totais e os investidores devem determinar o montante do investimento com base no nível de perda que podem suportar. Cada pessoa deve estar ciente dos riscos associados aos derivados virtuais de mercadorias e procurar a ajuda de consultores financeiros em caso de dúvidas. Além disso, pode haver riscos imprevistos. Os investidores devem considerar cuidadosamente a sua situação financeira antes de tomar qualquer decisão comercial. As opiniões, notícias, análises, etc. fornecidas neste site são comentários de mercado e não constituem conselhos de investimento. A plataforma não se responsabiliza por quaisquer perdas causadas pela confiança nestas informações.

Os dados de criptomoeda exibidos na plataforma (como preços em tempo real) vêm de terceiros e são apenas para referência e não são totalmente garantidos. A negociação na Internet acarreta riscos, incluindo falhas de software e hardware. A plataforma não controla a confiabilidade da Internet e não se responsabiliza por perdas decorrentes de falhas de conexão ou outros problemas relacionados.

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