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OCTA (OctaSpace)

Изучайте, чтобы получить аирдроп, отвечая на вопросы
Случайный аирдроп
Общая сумма наград
20,000 OCTA
2000 Участники
Количество участников
Условия участия
Уровень VIP1 и выше
Награда на аккаунт
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Награды будут распределены после проведения лотереи аирдропа.
1. Project introduction
OctaSpace is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are new to the concept of distributed computing. With OctaSpace, users can tap into the power of CPU and GPU resources from nodes all over the world to tackle heavy tasks. And if users have spare hardware, they can even become a host and earn by renting out their CPU/GPU or traffic. Network Architecture: (1) Own layer 1 blockchain network (PoW) is used for the financial operations using OCTA cryptocurrency. (2) To reduce operational costs, decrease commissions and increase the speed of transactions the dedicated layer 2 network is used. (3) The interaction of the core and blockchain networks is implemented through gateways that provide APIs for both networks. (4) The core of the system is responsible for the control and monitoring of resources, implementation of the application layer, billing and providing an interface for creating various services. (5) To work with the system, a WEB interface for users and an HTTP REST API for automation or integration with third party systems are implemented.
2. Application and distribution
Total supply: 48,000,000 Token application: Staking and rewards Token distribution: Inflation with a specific schedule