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ZANO (Zano)

Изучайте, чтобы получить аирдроп, отвечая на вопросы
Случайный аирдроп
Общая сумма наград
5,000 ZANO
2000 Участники
Количество участников
2000 +
Условия участия
Нет истории владения ZANO
Общая торговая стоимость за последние 30 д. (Спот...)
≥ 500 USD
Награда на аккаунт
2.5 ZANO
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Награды будут распределены после проведения лотереи аирдропа.
1. Project introduction
Zano is a digital currency that provides stability and security for e-commerce transactions that launched on Jul 2021. Transactions are made anonymous and untraceable through the use of ring signatures and stealth addresses. Multi-signature functionality allows multiple users to control a single wallet, which can be used for escrow services or two-factor authentication. Users can also create customizable smart contracts with required deposits for trustless agreements. Also, the way transaction data is stored on the blockchain allows access by authorized parties only, and none of the private data is ever publicly published. The confidentiality of all Zano transactions is hard-coded into the core. By concealing all sending and receiving addresses as we have maximized the level of privacy every Zano user has. All Zano network members can have aliases, for example, @username. These aliases can be linked to a payment address, which makes Zano network more user-friendly. In the long run, aliases will be used in a dedicated messenger, a user reputation service, and an alias-based authentication system. Zano uses cryptography to ensure that transactions are untraceable and unlinkable. The hybrid PoS-PoW consensus enhances security while alias registration makes sending transactions easier than ever before. Escrow enables secure private transactions.
2. Team introduction
Co-founder & Core Dev: Andrey Sabelnikov Co-founder & Project manager: Pavel Nikienkov
3. Application and distribution
Token distribution: The allocation of the Premine as follows: Foundation fund: 55%, set aside for marketing, partnerships, and ongoing project expenses. This will be transparent and reported. Founders, team members, and contributors: 30%, Coins are reserved for incentivizing current and future team members and contributors. Development loan: 15% Circulation after Premine comes from PoW and PoS output: Among them, the PoW block time is 1 minute, and each block is rewarded with 1 Zano, and PoW adds 1440 Zano a day.